What’s the point? This, and similar questions, rotated through my mind for months with varying levels of prominence like an insidious playlist of earworms. The enemy waged a subtle war in my heart and mind for several years, using disbelief and discouragement to wear my hope away. He loves to take our circumstances and whisper […]
7 Things to Remember on Election Day
This is a quick post written late at night, but it’s on my heart to say these things and not lose the opportunity to share them. Forgive the ineloquent introduction, but I don’t think anyone needs yet another recap of what the state of the nation has been in the weeks leading up to this […]
Life Update and My Best Story of 2019
Greetings, world! It’s far past time that I revive this space on the interwebs, but it doesn’t feel quite right to dive back in to sharing thoughts on random topics without somehow first acknowledging my absence.Also, it seems necessary to acknowledge that we are here in the midst of a pandemic. I have more thoughts […]
Treasures of the Deep
Life is kind of like playing in the sand at the ocean. You pile it up in some places, smooth it down in others, and dig trenches, focusing all of your attention on building the vision in your mind. You pat the sides of your castle firm, then cup your hand and draw it down […]
A Prayer for Homeless Christians
There are many of us out there right now. No, I’m not talking about Christians who live on the streets- though I’m sure there are any number of them as well. I’m speaking of a different kind of homelessness – a kind of homelessness I find myself humbled by, never having expected that I could […]
Karate and the Kingdom Part Five: Take Your Stand
Sometimes, when I stand at the edge of the mat at karate and watch the higher ranks perform a kata, I can’t escape the humor in it all. Here we are, a bunch of people with bare feet, glaring down invisible bad guys as we kick and punch and make weird yells and whistling noises […]