What’s the point? This, and similar questions, rotated through my mind for months with varying levels of prominence like an insidious playlist of earworms. The enemy waged a subtle war in my heart and mind for several years, using disbelief and discouragement to wear my hope away. He loves to take our circumstances and whisper […]
The Frances Project: A Legacy of Service
On July 23, 2014, one of the strongest, spunkiest women to ever grace the planet was gathered home to her Savior’s bosom. Frances Catherine Fisher, my grandmother, was a member of the greatest generation. She survived the influenza epidemic of 1918, two world wars, the Great Depression, the early death of her true love, and […]
Practice Makes Failure Less Frequent
I sat down at the piano, wondering if I should be here. But then, I remembered. With a smile, I knew that this was the place to be. The place where I have fought many battles with my pride, reminding myself that I am here to glorify God, not myself, through this otherworldly gift of […]
Why Your Bible is Like a Grapefruit
She sat at our kitchen table, eating half of a grapefruit. I could hear her dentures cutting through the pulp of the tangy fruit as I sat with her, eating my own grapefruit. My mouth puckered as I ate the pink colored triangles drizzled with glistening honey, like evening sunlight gilding a flower. That was […]
Four Tips for Making Changes That Stick
Remember those resolutions you were so enthusiastic about eight months ago? How are they working out for you? Are you among the valiant few who have conquered them, or is it a struggle to even remember what they were? I hate to admit it, but I’ve been slacking off on my goals for a long […]
How Spending Time with God Can Change Your Life
In a previous post I talked about a habit that can have a powerful influence on your life. I wanted to show you more of what this habit can do for you, so I asked some of my friends and family to share what they’ve experienced from spending time with God. Their stories were so […]