Easter is not my favorite holiday. It makes me uncomfortable. There, I’ve said it. For those who know me and that I do love Jesus, that statement may come as a surprise. It’s not the sort of thing that someone with my background is supposed to say. But it’s the truth, though I’ve just recently […]
2023 in Review
I always love to reflect and look back at the end of the year but never seem to get the end-of-year post finished, so this year I am refusing to overthink it and giving myself one evening in which to finish it. If you want the sparknotes version, scroll to the end. 🙂 Highlights: This […]
What’s the Point? The Power of What You Think
What’s the point? This, and similar questions, rotated through my mind for months with varying levels of prominence like an insidious playlist of earworms. The enemy waged a subtle war in my heart and mind for several years, using disbelief and discouragement to wear my hope away. He loves to take our circumstances and whisper […]
Why Bother with a Baby?
It’s funny to watch how people act when there is a new baby around. Everything stops, and instantly people who were just moments ago interacting as mature adults are now leaning in, making ridiculous faces and silly noises that would never be emitted under other circumstances. It’s a sweet sight to behold. When a baby […]
Always in an August Place
With the flip of the calendar page, August and her distinct characteristics have arrived. August is the most grown-up of the summer months. She has left behind the frivolity of May flowers and the giddiness of June’s shenanigans. The festivity of July now fades into the last push before harvest. In August the full bounty […]
7 Things to Remember on Election Day
This is a quick post written late at night, but it’s on my heart to say these things and not lose the opportunity to share them. Forgive the ineloquent introduction, but I don’t think anyone needs yet another recap of what the state of the nation has been in the weeks leading up to this […]