What’s the point? This, and similar questions, rotated through my mind for months with varying levels of prominence like an insidious playlist of earworms. The enemy waged a subtle war in my heart and mind for several years, using disbelief and discouragement to wear my hope away. He loves to take our circumstances and whisper […]
Matthew Musings: Who’s Really in Charge?
It was a question that presented a crossroads: either submit to the temptation to take the easy way out and skim over it, or make myself exert some brainpower, take a minute to think it over, and unlock a new insight into God’s Word. Thankfully, I chose the latter. “What does Jesus’ healing ministry have […]
Old Year, New Mercies
I know I’m a bit late to the party with my end of the year post, but I enjoy this chance to review some of the highlights and shadows of the year before it slips too far away, so I’m sharing it anyway. 🙂 2014. This year will not go down in history as one […]
The Best Habit You Could Ever Create
Habits. Good ones, bad ones, cute ones, quirky ones. They form a significant portion of our lives, and we might not realize how deeply ingrained they are until we try to change one of them. I know for myself, habit change does not come easily. There are habits I’ve been trying on and off for […]