This is a quick post written late at night, but it’s on my heart to say these things and not lose the opportunity to share them. Forgive the ineloquent introduction, but I don’t think anyone needs yet another recap of what the state of the nation has been in the weeks leading up to this […]
What Made America Great
We Americans are proud of our country, and of the way we grew to be one of the greatest nations in the world. We fought hard and won our independence and then fought other wars to defend our land, keep the union together, and to preserve freedom for other nations. But how did we succeed […]
Weapons of Mass Destruction
When my eyes landed on this picture in Time magazine, a shock ran through me. I’d never seen what is used to perform abortions before. The caption under the picture said something like “Instruments used for a surgical abortion”, but my mind immediately classified them as something else: weapons of mass destruction. Every year more […]