On a whim, I have possibly decided to do something a little bit crazy.
I may be attempting to publish a blog post every day this month.
That’s not all that crazy, I know. I’ve done it once before.
What’s crazy about this is the timing.
It’s August.
Green bean canning season is upon us.
It’s two weeks after my dad had an emergency appendectomy and one week after my Grandma went home to heaven.
But I think I might need to do this. I’m not sure if it’ll really happen, but I think maybe I should try. (I’m still praying and deciding about it. So this post is just in case.)
I think I need to do this because there are these elusive beings called readers and I think that this could help me befriend some of them.
I need to do this because I haven’t blogged for three months. (That’s painful to admit.)
I need to do this because I still haven’t found my voice for this blog, and I want to.
I need to do this because there are words sitting around squashed inside of notebooks and they may never see the light of day otherwise.
I need to do this because I think it could be fun.
I’m not doing any strict set of topics, just whatever strikes my fancy. I’m going to try to keep it simple. A few photography posts, a story (I hope!), a couple of childhood memories I had fun writing about, something I’m learning from my devotions, and maybe even a personal update or two (Because if you’re a little nosy like me sometimes those are the most fun posts to read. Like peeking inside of people’s houses when you’re driving by at night! Did I just admit to doing that?).
So let’s have some fun in this last month of summer, shall we? If you’re reading this, I would love it if you’d do two things: subscribe, so you don’t miss a post, and leave a comment and tell me about yourself. Let’s be friends!
All right, here goes nothing……
Question: So how’s your summer been? Has it been everything you hoped? What exciting (or not-so-exciting) things have happened to you?
Joan says
I applaud you for attempting to write every day! We’ve had an unusual summer here as far as weather. It’s been much cooler and in ways it doesn’t seem like we’ve had summer. But overall its been a good one. Love your photo!
Diana Nesbitt says
Thanks Joan! We’ve had a cooler summer here too, but it’s been beautiful. Lots of those perfect, comfortable days that are usually so rare.
Mrs. T says
It’s been a very interesting summer in that some of my responsibilities seem to have increased a thousandfold. And it seems to have been a very quick summer, too. I’m tickled that you’re aiming to post every day. I just did that on my Christmas blog, for Christmas in July, and it was such a nice diversion from my everyday responsibilities. I kept most of the posts quite short and scheduled a lot of them ahead, writing several at one time. Several people encouraged me to do it, and my goal was that I would only try to post for every day — not beat myself up if it didn’t happen. Lo and behold, it did happen, and was a lot of fun. You need some fun right now, too!
Diana Nesbitt says
This summer has certainly flown by! I wish time would stop doing that. 😉 I’m hoping this will be a good chance for me to actually finish the many posting ideas I’ve had floating around in my brain for quite a while. I didn’t know you had a Christmas blog! That sounds fun! I will have to look it up.
Mrs. T says
Yes, it’s called Mrs. T’s Christmas Kitchen and the address is mychristmaskitchen.blogspot.com. I’ve had it for quite a few years and have posted everything from gift ideas to Christmas devotionals to recipes, vintage Christmas cards, memories, book reviews, and more. It’s a lot of fun.