Dress by dress, the colorful summer fabrics disappeared into the bin, piling on top of each other as I took them down from their hangers and laid them to rest for the winter. “I was going to wear that one again,” I thought, remembering how swiftly the hot and humid days had changed to chilly ones. “I never got to wear that skirt – by the time I make that white blouse I’ll decide I’m too old for that style. Oh…I had decided that this year was the last one for that dress…but I love it so! – will I still be able to pull it off when I’m 21?”
It seemed as though I had just gotten these dresses out and now it was time to put them away again. My mind went back to a verse that I had thought about for a couple of days this summer: “Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk – not as unwise people, but as wise – making the most of the time, because the days are evil.” ~Ephesians 5:15-16. The time flies by so quickly – how am I spending my days in between the trading of the wardrobes? What have I accomplished? Whose lives have I touched – for good or for bad? How am I redeeming the time? What will I have accomplished by the time I have to pull those summer dresses out again?
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