Stumped for what to write about at this time of night (or morning, I should say :/ )after a busy day (No, make that busy week! Make that busy month…busy summer…busy life?), I checked out Freshly Pressed and stumbled upon a NaNoWriMo category of posts. Reading about people’s feelings leading up to November 1st is […]
Blogging Goals
Those of you who are used to the irregularity of my posting may have been slightly surprised at the fact that I posted two whole days in a row, so I thought I should explain the reasons for my unusual behavior. Last year, as some of you may know, I participated in NaNoWriMo – (National […]
NaNoWriMo- I FINISHED!!!!!!!
I never dreamed it would happen, but by God’s grace I just crossed the 50,000 word finish line for National Novel Writing Month! The story isn’t finished, although the ending is written. I have about three major events left to cover, and I’m looking forward to finding out how they come out. 🙂 I intend […]
NaNoWriMo Novel Excerpt
Here is the promised excerpt from my NaNo novel! The formatting was funky after I copied and pasted it before, but I found a nifty little button that magically made everything better! Yay WordPress! 🙂 So without further ado, here it is (and once again please excuse any typos. Proofreading is overrated when you’re trying […]
NaNoWriMo Madness
Let it be known from this day forward that I, who have in the past said (or at the very least thought) that I 1) did not want to be a writer, and 2) did not want to write fiction or 3) long works of prose, am 13, 769 words into the challenge of writing […]