Before last Christmas, my mom and I made “I Spy” quilts for my nieces and nephews. As we busily worked on progressing through the steps of assembling each quilt, I noticed that quilting is similar to life in some ways. When you’re putting together a quilt, you can’t skip ahead. You have to cut out […]
What’s Your Story? (You’re telling one, you know)
Works of art that combine multiple mediums are so fascinating. I think that’s the main reason I love this video so much. The music, the hand drawings and animations, and the acting combine to communicate the story of the song. That’s what I love most about art- that it tells a story. It’s communication […]
The Best Habit You Could Ever Create
Habits. Good ones, bad ones, cute ones, quirky ones. They form a significant portion of our lives, and we might not realize how deeply ingrained they are until we try to change one of them. I know for myself, habit change does not come easily. There are habits I’ve been trying on and off for […]
Finding Beauty in Barrenness
I used to think this time of year, after the leaves fall and before the snow flies, was ugly. The bleak grayness of the barren landscape would depress me . I saw no beauty in the brown undergrowth or the skeletal trees standing against the gray sky. In recent years, however, I’ve come to discover […]
The First Step for Eternal Success
Several years ago, my mother saw a thought-provoking sight as she drove home from dropping my older brother off at school. Against a fence bordering a cemetery was leaning a road work sign that read “BE PREPARED TO STOP.” Be prepared to stop. In all our busyness of traveling this “road of life”, as we so […]
The Story of Your Life
“Worlds discovered and ones not yet explored. Happiness, love, revenge, despair, mercy, compassion…life. Too many to count and not enough hours to read them all. Crisp bindings or worn pages. Books. With every page a telling of a story whether true or imagined. Sometimes I get so lost in the narrative of a book that […]