One morning, almost exactly four years ago, I woke up early and when I looked out of my window, I discovered a world covered with glittering shards of ice. The dazzling sight enticed me to go out of my warm house into the clear, cold morning, and I had a memorable experience capturing as many […]
Art: Wordless Communication
While Hurricane Sandy is howling outside, I will continue my three-part series on art. I don’t feel too eloquent tonight, so hopefully this post won’t be too cut-and-dry. 🙂 When you think about it, most forms of art are a type of communication. Music, painting, sculpture, photography – all seek to tell a story or […]
Lessons from a Ridiculously Photogenic Beetle
A few weeks ago I was planting beet seeds in the garden and this little fellow flew in to my hand. Just as I was about to shake him away, my attention was caught by the beautiful design on his back. A shimmering gold shell was decorated with scrolling designs and dots and dashes of […]