Easter is not my favorite holiday. It makes me uncomfortable. There, I’ve said it. For those who know me and that I do love Jesus, that statement may come as a surprise. It’s not the sort of thing that someone with my background is supposed to say. But it’s the truth, though I’ve just recently […]
Why Bother with a Baby?
It’s funny to watch how people act when there is a new baby around. Everything stops, and instantly people who were just moments ago interacting as mature adults are now leaning in, making ridiculous faces and silly noises that would never be emitted under other circumstances. It’s a sweet sight to behold. When a baby […]
He Didn’t Come As a Royal King Should Have
He didn’t come as a royal king should have The High King of Heaven come down to earth Unwelcomed by fanfare or clamoring crowds Quietly humble, His miraculous birth Curled up inside of a womb He’d created No guards to protect this valuable life Only to outcasts His birth was announced By angels and a […]
The Inescapable Presence of Immanuel
Immanuel- the name given the Messiah, the Promised One who would come to earth to rescue His beloved creation from the horrid mess they had gotten themselves into. Immanuel. God with us. No man made religion can offer real closeness with the real God. Always, in the religions man has made up, we make it […]
Why It’s Okay If This Isn’t The Best Christmas Ever
It’s inevitable. You’re innocently watching a Christmas movie. Something has just happened to heighten the anticipation for the yearly celebration, and somebody throws their arms into the air and exclaims “This is going to be the best Christmas ever!” I don’t know what your reaction to such a display is, but when I hear that […]