Drum roll please…..here it is! The Big Thing! https://diananesbitt.com/the-new-definition-of-success/ Yes, if you haven’t already guessed it, the Big Thing is a website/blog – my blog. Under my own name. 😀 “But why is this a Big Thing?” You might be wondering. “It’s just a blog.” Well, it is just a blog and it isn’t just a […]
An Update, a Picture, and a Proverb
Eeeek, I missed last week’s post! The first for this year. 🙁 This past week I was busy working and the week before that I was busy not working. Excuses, I know. 🙂 But I have been doing some writing, and just to pique your curiosity, I’m going to say that there is going to […]
The Plan
The blogging vacation is over. This month I gave myself time to do some information gathering and thought collecting to try and sort out the direction I should take from here on out. I’m still thinking through a lot of things and I didn’t work intensively on this all month long, but I feel like […]
Back to Life
My blog posts have been more sparse this month than I intended, but then again a few things have happened this month that I didn’t intend. One of those things was getting a strange cold-type bug that has lasted for two weeks so far. It blessed me with a nice variety of symptoms (I’m into […]
You Don’t Need a Kindle at Grandma’s House
My parents and I just got home from visiting family in western New York state over a long weekend. Wednesday night before we left, I was checking my new Kindle Fire HD to see if I had enough interesting books on there to keep me entertained for the trip. When I got into the room […]
I’m Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover…
I have an important announcement to make. Yesterday, July 23, 2012, sometime after 5 P.M., I found the first four-leaf clover that I have ever found in my entire life!!! Yessiree, there it is! My brother had stopped by, and as usual, as he was standing outside talking to my mom, he found a four-leaf […]