There it stands, in the midst of a crowd…alone, yet surrounded on every side. Enveloped in the presence of others, yet ostracized from any sense of belonging. A flaming beacon in the midst of dreary sameness. The Lone yellow tree.
Of said tree I have no picture…because I forgot to bring the camera with me on the hike I went on today! So you’ll have to simply picture a vista of pines and leafless trees in the foreground, with lakes interspersed with islands and inlets of all shapes and sizes laying before you, surrounded by ranges of rolling hills and mountains, fading from russet to hazy blue in the distance. In two or three places on the nearer mountains, yellow trees pop from the scenery in clusters of three or four…but in one place stands a bold, yellow tree …keeping its lonely vigil until the wind robs it of its individuality….
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