I have an important announcement to make. Yesterday, July 23, 2012, sometime after 5 P.M., I found the first four-leaf clover that I have ever found in my entire life!!! Yessiree, there it is! My brother had stopped by, and as usual, as he was standing outside talking to my mom, he found a four-leaf clover. Which got us talking about how he finds them all the time (he says to block out all the sameness of the three-leaf clovers and look for the usual pattern of the four-leaf ones {he explains it better but that’s my quick interpretation}), so I tried following his advice, and lo and behold, I found one! I couldn’t help grinning over this accomplishment – it was a rather big moment in my life. 🙂 I pressed it in the dictionary overnight – on the same page as the word “clover”, so I wouldn’t forget where I put it, and thought that it would be fun to take a picture of it on that page. So there you have it! My first four-leaf clover!
I’m hoping to start posting more frequently sometime soon here (maybe even once a week! :O ), but if you’ve been reading (or not reading) this blog for any period of time, you know my blogging habits well enough by now to not hold your breath. Because if you do, you’ll probably pass out. And we don’t want that. So until next time, adieu!
annepeterson says
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Thought I’d pop over to yours. I’ve never found a four leaf clover. I think it’s about time. Think I’ll look with my two grandsons.
writeforward says
Thanks for visiting! This is actually my old blog- the one I currently update is http://www.diananesbitt.com, in case you’re interested. I don’t think I’ve found a four leaf clover since then! It’s pretty exciting when you do find one though. (Unless you’re my brother…in which case it’s a common occurrence. 😉 )
annepeterson says
Thanks, I went and checked it out. Love your writing style. Very warm and inviting. I left a comment. 🙂