For a few days now I’ve been wanting to write more in depth about my intentions for this blog. I’ve been doing some fun, easy posts to familiarize myself with different things like uploading pictures and videos, and I have no doubt there will be more of those in the future as I try out other new things and simply come across fun things to write about. However, I do hope to make this more than a “here’s what I’ve been doing lately” blog (not that there’s anything wrong with those kinds of blogs – it’s just not why I started this one). As I stated in my first post, I want to write the things on my blog that would otherwise be scrawled into a notebook and remain in obscurity. While I very much enjoy writing by hand (until it starts hurting), my rough drafts never get the polish that they would if they were going to become public.
Sooo, with all that being said, I hope that having a blog will 1) keep me motivated to write faithfully 2) help me to keep track of my progress as I learn new things about writing, and 3) give me a kind of online “portfolio” with a lot of solid examples of my work in various genres of writing, aaaand, just maybe 4) gain an audience of people who enjoy my writing! Right now these are just pipe dreams, but one has to have goals, right?
I hope this is making some amount of sense – it’s difficult to clearly express the things that I’ve had swimming around in my head. Let me at least say that I’ve got a lot of ideas for things to write about! I’ve been thinking about digging out my rhetoric book from last year and doing some more essay-writing from it (C.S. Lewis has been inspiring me with his excellent rhetoric skills in Mere Christianity), and I have a couple other books with writing tips that I’d like to practice. I also have plans for posts on book reviews, things I’m learning in my Bible study and other devotional thoughts, and some fun things like my Etsy shop and sewing projects that I’m finishing up! Now that this post is out of the way and off my mind, we can get onto some more interesting topics! 🙂
As one of my facebook friends -who has got to be the most cheerful person I have ever encountered- always says, Happy Day!
Mrs.T says
Those are some great goals. I can say for sure you will definitely find blogging to help with refining your writing until it says *more* exactly what you wanted to get across. I say “more exactly” because I personally wonder if my writing ever says exactly what I wanted it to! Another benefit is that you will find yourself typing faster and faster as time goes on — so you’re perfecting your keyboard skills as well! Looking forward to reading more of your posts. Have fun!