Hello all! Thanks for stopping by to read my very first blog post! This is a somewhat exciting thing for me, starting a blog. ๐ It’s not something that I ever thought I would do – I really couldn’t come up with a reason to start one. Obviously, that has changed. As I have been praying about how to develop more skills as a writer, it seemed that a blog would be a good place to write down the things that pop into my mind instead of scribbling them in a notebook. Also, it would be a great place to gain more exposure for my Etsy shop – which is coming soon. ๐
The name of this blog, which may or may not remain permanently (I haven’t quite decided what I think of it yet), expresses a goal of mine this year: to move forward – not only in writing, but also especially in my walk with the Lord. I get so tired of the cycles I find myself going through in my relationship with Christ – for a while I’m faithful in my devotions and improve at keeping my mind focused on God’s Word, etc., then slowly I give in to temptation, losing all the ground I had gained, and find myself ten steps backward from where I had been. I want that to stop. My desire is to move forward in my walk with the Lord -and stay there. Then move forward some more. No more circles!
Thanks again for taking the time to read my first post! Improvements to the appearance and more posts to follow, hopefully in the near future. ๐
Carrie says
Yay! Glad you jumped into blogging. ๐ You will have a lot of fun with it! I enjoyed seeing your snow pictures, too! Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for your coming Etsy shop, too! I would love to open one this year . . . we’ll see, though. I just don’t get as much sewing/crafting done as I would like, these days!
Mrs.T says
Good for you starting a blog!! You will find it is a very good place indeed to write your thoughts, etc. that you might have formerly scribbled in a notebook. I started mine in the beginning mostly as a place to write down my memories so I wouldn’t forget them, and also to keep my recipes. But it has evolved into way more than that, and now I have two!
linda says
Can’t wait to see where your blogging will take you. Good for you to want to go forward not in circles, which is a very easy place to remain. Look forward to seeing this grow.